Culturally Responsive Informed Classrooms
Communication competencies for engaging students of color
On Saturday November 10th, 2018 from 10 AM to 2 PM, Educators in Solidarity will be holding their first Cultural Proficiency Conference. It is free and open to educators and anyone interested in social justice centered approaches to engaging youth and education reform.
I will be holding break-out sessions during the conference. Creating Culturally Responsive Informed Classrooms consists of three sessions that serve as introductions to some of Educated Empathy’s core concepts.
Session titles
Session one: Respectful Behavior Guidance
Finances and inventory are things to be managed, not students. I introduce proactive strategies in guiding them toward thoughtful and healthy decisions (and how to reflect when facing the unexpected).
Session two: Alternative Classroom Structures
There are substantial reasons why the education opportunities gap has closed only a few inches. Not all are strictly academic. This session introduces alternatives to traditional Anglo-American school structures and why they are needed.
Session three: Diverse Cultures = Increased Buy-In
Books with children of different skin shades on their covers is not a meaningful approach to including diversity in lessons. We must expand our thinking to merge a variety of concepts and strategies. Also, who said increasing buy-in only applies to the classroom… or students?