I am proud to know every individual who has allowed me to walk with them as they navigate a self directed life. I am thankful for their trust, find joy in their accomplishments, and am honored by their kindness.
His keen eye for solutions, clear planning as well as his uplifting, encouraging personality make him a great person to have on your side.
"Elliott puts a thoughtful mind to the problems that lead to teacher burnout"
Within 10 minutes, Elliott had turned this child’s attitude around. This child told his teacher he wanted to help kids who had problems when he grew up, “just like Mr. Niblack.”
I was becoming a ticking time bomb. Elliott helped me realize it was not my fault.
He made planning fun, which in return made teaching fun.
Without Elliott's input, I could still be in an unhealthy workplace, I am grateful for his insight.
Elliott has a special gift… He allows me to have emotions and gives value to them. I can paint a better picture of my past and move forward.
He listens intently with an open heart and asks many insightful questions to get a better understanding of how someone thinks and learns.